I decided to write this as, being completely new to the whole process of modding KSP1, I found the documentation quite lacklustre. Many links were broken owing to changing hands and forum migrations; many creatives rarely publicly documented their production process. The process of learning to make an engine from start to finish was quite a difficult one as a result; we even had to re-discover lost techniques to building these rockets as if archeologists investigating ancient construction methods.

As such this page aims to consolidate what I’ve learned from building my own engines, as well as process and workflow tips to make things easier.

What this will and won’t cover

This page will not give instruction on:

In other words, I will give information regarding the technical side of things in regards to creating a part for the game and how technical requirements will affect your creative workflow. I won’t give information on creative aspects of learning how to 3D model or use image editing software.

What you’ll need

You won’t need all these things off the bat, but in case it helps to do a sort of mies en place for your development, you’ll need the following:


Ideation and Concept


Blender Modelling for KSP

Parenting, Transforms, and Settings


Preparing Materials and Shaders

UV Unwrapping

Baking textures

Create the Diffuse/Specular Texture

Create The Normal Map

Create The Emission Map

Creating the Interior Engine Glow

Export and Configuration

Export Your Model and Textures

Create a Config

Preparing for publication

Publishing your mod

Additional techniques

Multi-nozzle engines

Creating gimbal arms

Deforming meshes with gimbal

Modelling tubes and pipes

Modelling struts

Using B9 Part Switch

References and lists

Stockalike technical standards

KSP part naming inspiration