I decided to write this as, being completely new to the whole process of modding KSP1, I found the documentation quite lacklustre. Many links were broken owing to changing hands and forum migrations; many creatives rarely publicly documented their production process. The process of learning to make an engine from start to finish was quite a difficult one as a result; we even had to re-discover lost techniques to building these rockets as if archeologists investigating ancient construction methods.
As such this page aims to consolidate what I’ve learned from building my own engines, as well as process and workflow tips to make things easier.
What this will and won’t cover
This page will not give instruction on:
- How to model. I will assume you are comfortable working in Blender, and that you’re looking for info on how to adjust your workflow for KSP.
- How to design textures. Again, I will cover the technical side of things, such as file format exports, and will give advice on how to create assets that feel congruent with ReStock or Nerteaverse parts. Otherwise, I will assume you already have a raster image editing software of choice and that you are comfortable using it.
In other words, I will give information regarding the technical side of things in regards to creating a part for the game and how technical requirements will affect your creative workflow. I won’t give information on creative aspects of learning how to 3D model or use image editing software.
What you’ll need
You won’t need all these things off the bat, but in case it helps to do a sort of mies en place for your development, you’ll need the following:
- Blender with taniwha’s .mu export plugin. Installation instructions are available on the wiki. Using this plugin, we can bypass having to install Unity altogether.
- The Blender plugin, Texel Density Checker. This will help us ensure we’re using our UV map resolution efficiently.
- A raster image editing programme. I personally use Photoshop CC, as it’s what I’m already familiar with as an artist. Ideally, to make things easier, you’ll want something that has layer blending modes, layer effects, and filters.
- A bumpmap to normal map converter. Tools like xNormal and NormalMapOnline work just fine.
- A DDS converter. KSP uses DDS files for textures. One thing we lose from not using Unity and PartTools is a DDS exporter, so we’ll need something to export with. CineboxAndrew made a Python-based DDS converter that can work real well for this. See the exporting textures page for installation instructions.
- A text or code editor for editing our part configs. Something as simple as Notepad or Notepad++ works. Since I’m all fancy I use Visual Studio Code, as there exists an extension that colour-codes KSP CFG syntax, making it easier to read.
Ideation and Concept
Blender Modelling for KSP
Parenting, Transforms, and Settings
Preparing Materials and Shaders
UV Unwrapping
Baking textures
Create the Diffuse/Specular Texture
Create The Normal Map
Create The Emission Map
Creating the Interior Engine Glow
Export and Configuration
Export Your Model and Textures
Create a Config
Preparing for publication
Publishing your mod
Additional techniques
Multi-nozzle engines
Creating gimbal arms
Deforming meshes with gimbal
Modelling tubes and pipes
Modelling struts
Using B9 Part Switch
References and lists
Stockalike technical standards
KSP part naming inspiration